Fall 2024 Courses

Information for Students

The program changed its name to Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies on July 1, 2024. Even though our name has changed, the subject code (THST) will stay the same. All courses with the subject code THST fulfill the requirements for the Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies major. 

At the bottom of Yale Course Search, please read the Class Notes section for each course you are interested in. This section contains important information that you may not find on the course’s Canvas page. 

Read the Expanded Course Description on Canvas for each course you are interested in. Expanded descriptions of most THST courses will be available by clicking the “Syllabus” button on the YCS listing for the course. If the Canvas page is missing or it does not have the information you need, please email the instructor of the course, the faculty member overseeing the course (Coates, Egan, or Brooks), or the TDPS Registrar, Alana Conti (alana.conti@yale.edu). 

All courses are subject to change and cancellation until the start of the semester. Courses may also be added until the start of the semester.  

FAQ: Courses

Each semester there are a number of courses offered in other departments and programs that may fulfill a requirement in Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies (TDPS) but, for a variety of reasons, do not have a cross-listing with our program.

If you would like to take a course that you believe should be counted as a TDPS course, but isn’t currently cross-listed, please let Prof. Brooks know as soon as possible (hal.brooks@yale.edu). You might be able to take the course for TDPS credit, but you must get written permission from the DUS to do so. 

You may be invited to meet to discuss the matter or contact the course instructor for a syllabus. You may need to request written confirmation from the instructor that you will be able to write or present on topics that would allow you to earn credit in TDPS (theater, dance, opera, digital media, performance studies, etc.). You also may be told that the course will count for credit towards the major once you are able to demonstrate, usually at the end of the semester, that one or more of your assignments focused on topics relevant to the major. In all such cases, you will not be able to receive credit for the course until you have express written permission (via email) from the DUS of Theater and Performance Studies. It is possible to obtain permission once you have enrolled in the course, but again, there is no guarantee.

THST 471 is our independent study course. Let Prof. Brooks know if you want to pursue a Directed Independent Study. The information/application form is due the first week of the semester. 

If you are interested in taking courses at the David Geffen School of Drama at Yale or any of the professional schools, please see Enrolling in Graduate and Professional School Courses for Credit for information about which courses are currently approved for credit by Yale College.

Please note that these courses have been offered in the past and are not necessarily offered in upcoming semesters. In addition, DGSD typically does not publish its courses until the start of the semester. TDPS does not influence which DGSD courses are approved for credit. Once you determine that the course is being offered and that you can either take it for credit or are willing to audit, contact the DGSD instructor for permission. Once you receive permission, email Prof. Brooks (hal.brooks@yale.edu) and Registrar Ms. Conti (alana.conti@yale.edu) in order to complete the relevant forms. 

If you are not sure if a course counts towards the TDPS major or if you are not sure which category or categories a course may count towards, email the TDPS Registrar, Alana Conti (alana.conti@yale.edu). In most cases, this information will be clear from the course’s YCS listing. 

Graduate-level courses may or may not be open to undergraduates on a limited basis. Please contact the course’s instructor and the DUS if you are interested.

Fall 2024 Required Courses For The Major 

Number Instructor(s) Title Domains
THST 110 Brooks, Hal & Robinson, Renee Collaborations Required
THST 491 Egan, Dan & Roberts, Nathan Senior Project in Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies Required
THST 492 Stokes, Shilarna Senior Seminar in Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies Required

Fall 2024 TDPS Courses (All Domains)

Number Instructor(s) Title Domains
THST 080 Alexandra T. Vazquez Worlds in Performance FYS, IA, PT
THST 098 Brooks Composing & Performing AP
THST 200 Rossmy & Rainwater Introduction to Theatrical Violence AP
THST 210 (01) Sidhu Performance Concepts AP
THST 210 (02) Sidhu Performance Concepts AP
THST 255 Philbrick Queer Theory/Queer Theater H, PT
THST 300 Singleton The Director and the Text I AP
THST 301 Chambers Making The Postdramatic Theatre: Radical Adaptations AP, HI
THST 315 Bundy Acting Shakespeare AP, HI
THST 321 Margolin Production Seminar: Playwriting AP
THST 322 Jacobs-Jenkins Advanced Playwriting AP
THST 324 Dorfman Playwright-Director Laboratory AP
THST 357 Profeta History and Theory of Performer Training HI, PT
THST 358 Chang Introduction to Lighting Design AP, IA
THST 361 Roberts & Margolin Production Seminar: Theater in Education AP, PT
THST 388 Dorfman Revenge Tragedy and Moral Ambiguity PT, H
THST 411 Morrison Special Topics in Performance Studies PT
THST 430 Stokes Performing Publics PT
THST 438 Morrison Theater and Therapy in the Aftermath of War PT, HI
THST 452 Wallace Acting: Constructing a Character AP
THST 471 Brooks Directed Independent Study N/A

Fall 2024 Dance Studies (All Domains)

Number Instructor(s) Title Domains
THST 215 Seibert Writing Dance AP, PT
THST 319 Robinson Embodying Story AP, IA
THST 335 Coulibaly West African Dance: Traditional to Contemporary AP. H
THST 340 Ulbricht Ballet Now AP
THST 357 Profeta History and Theory of Performer Training HI, PT
THST 387 Coulibaly Choreography in Practice and Theory  AP, PT
THST 402 Coates Experimental Writing and Performance AP,IA

Fall 2024 Shen Curriculum for Musical Theater (All Domains)

Number Instructor(s) Title Domains
THST 224/MUSI 228 Jolles Musical Theater Performance I AP, IA
THST 236/MUSI 185 Egan American Musical Theater History HI, IA
MUSI 230 Rosenblum Composing for Musical Theater AP, IA
THST 414 Korie Lyric Writing for Musical Theater AP, IA

Fall 2024 Related Courses In Other Departments and Programs (All Domains)

Number Instructor(s) Title Domains
FILM 455/THST 457 Musser Documentary Film Workshop AP, IA
ENGL 453/THST 320 Margulies Playwriting AP
RSEE 313/THST 314 Kureichyk Art and Resistance in Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine  HI
ENGL 216 Sheriko Shakespeare and Popular Culture HI
SKRT 160 Uskokov Advanced Sanskrit: Readings in Poetry and Drama HI
CSES 210 TBD Metatheatrical Plays and Playwriting HI
ENGL 1029/THST 129 Yeazell Tragedy in the European Literary Tradition HI
AFAM 342/THST 239 Vogel African American Drama through 1959  
GMAN 290/THST 293 Schweiger Politics of Performance  
FILM 461/THST 416 Trumpener British Cinema  
DRAM 105 James Introduction to Costume Design for Non-Majors  
DRAM 124 Baker Introduction to Lighting Design  
DRAM 125 James The History of Costumes  
DRAM 158 Boff Introduction to Sound Design  

Yale Course Search (YCS)

Interested in seeing Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies courses (past or present)? Visit the course search website!

Yale Course Search (link is external)